Rumours that the ancient tribe of half man- half pastie folk were a figment of comedian Bob Williamson's imagination were completely smashed today when a second dismembered head was unearthed and was pronounced to be FEMALE!
A spokesman for Max Clifford said the idea was to send her to California where she would fit right in with all the old film stars and rich widows who are so full of Botox that they look exactly like her. English Heritage are to launch a campaign to keep both her and Pastyman in this country. Fears of a coup by the pasty folk against humans were being monitored by a group of freedom fighter based around Greenhalgh's pie shop, in Bolton, where the pastyfolk were thought to have originated.
" Now that a female has been found, it means there could be thousands of children" said one of the guerrillas known only as Meatloaf just minutes before he was carried away by the men in white coats.
This is thought to be the finest archaeological find since 1922 when Tutankahmun was discovered by Carter, before he went off to join Reagan in ITV's THE SWEENEY
It looks like Joan Rivers, does this confirm my suspicions that pasty folk are living in America!! as well as Bolton.
We have enough trouble fighting the pasty folk of Lancashire, who is going to rid America of these?
Can any American allies let us know what we are dealing with over there, is George Bush aware of these?
How big is the problem?
Im worried!
The americans don't have pastyfolk, they were all destroyed by the roast sock tribe of ulan bator, 1215 or was it a quarter to one? The roast socks, who were legless most of the time, were themselves destroyed by doctor and the medics who had no medical experience whatsoever really. The British Pastyman is a totally indigenous specials first discovered by mr r uatyt in caves near lower peover. Examples of later pastman can be found is fossilised poo near cheddar.
Well that makes complete sense, i think not? candidate for the Bewildered???????????
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